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I joined the Cult! (and I am honored)


...another new email...I don't need any more J. Crew Factory coupons...

...ugh, yes I do...

"Cult of Pedagogy: Work for Me!"

Wait, what?!


I found not long after a night at Margaritaville. My friend Laura and I talked about dream jobs, and an hour later she had an entire business plan​ laid out so I could become an entrepreneur of a consulting business for teachers. I want to point out I do NOT think I'm the best teacher there ever was; I simply love talking ideas and lesson plans.

I ran with the idea...well, I jogged with the idea. I was most excited about the logo and name, so I at least got that part done with the help of a few good friends!

But what this plan really inspired me to do was to become a better teacher myself. So as I started taking my "research" more seriously, I came across this little logo that kept popping up on practically every other article I was pinning on Pinterest.

The little logo--small, round glasses--lead me to Cult of Pedagogy. I instantly loved the site and subscribed to the mailing list which is how I learned the "boss," Jennifer Gonzalez, was hiring a Customer Experience Manager! (Hallmark steps up to the plate, again.)

I decided to apply because, well, somebody has to get it, right? The more I learned, the more impressed I was, and the more intimidated I became to send in my application. This page has the statistics of followers--approximately 9,000 a DAY! What?!

Long story short: I made it through 3 rounds of interviews and got the call last Thursday!

I officially started my position this morning. As training continues, the job will eventually consist of managing Facebook, Twitter, blog comments, and emails--mainly behind the scenes stuff--and will mold into even getting to "lightly proofread" new blog posts! The point of it all is to help other teachers.

I am still happily teaching comp classes at Young Harris of course, but I am ecstatic to be a part of Cult of Pedagogy. It just works out so well. The best part--It's sooooo similar to that idea born at Margaritaville!

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