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Another Stubborn Student

So there I was,

thinking I'm going to get out of class early.

Today was the last day of student presentations. We had three left, and only two of the three presenters were actually in class. Things were looking good.

After the second (last) presentation, I passed out a short project survey. As each student finished, the surveys were brought up to the front table,

and then I saw it. One student. Lingering.

Once she was the only person left, she bounded up to me and said something close to this:

So I just loved this class, so I tried to register for your other class next semester, but both sections are full. I’m pretty stubborn and really want to take you again. Is there anything you can do?

This was my reaction:

Here’s the best news: This is one of my favorite students this semester. I am absolutely honored.

And no, I don’t know if there’s anything I can actually do, but I’m surely going to try.

I write this as I sip on my $2.11 sweet tea from the campus Chick-fil-A. I did get out of class early and am now waiting for my second and last class of the day to begin. And, there are only two presentations to go this round as well. After this class, I head home and will officially be on Thanksgiving break.

Wait for it…

After my 2nd class, The same thing happened!

Totally different class, totally different student!

Again, I don’t know if I can actually do anything, but I'm surely going to find out.

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